Prepare for 2024 Election News with Cannabis PR

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The text, ' Prepare for 2024 Election News with Cannabis PR' is to the left of an arm holding a megaphone with a cannabis leaf symbol on it. A circular American flag floats above.

Written by: Johanna Bloomquist

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The cannabis industry is currently experiencing monumental changes. It’s typically a fast-moving sector, but in election years, news moves faster than ever — and your company needs to move even quicker if you want to be a part of this historic conversation. 

Public relations (PR) is the key to maintaining a relevant and successful brand image in times like these. NisonCo has been providing cannabis companies with digital media marketing services since before there was a regulated cannabis industry in the United States, and we look forward to continuing our work with cannabis companies like yours in this new chapter of United States cannabis policy.


Cannabis Political News Means Opportunities to Comment

The announcement of cannabis rescheduling marks one of the most significant positive legislative movements that the cannabis industry has seen in decades. 

Since 2024 is an election year, cannabis professionals expect we will see more significant changes — or major promises, at the very least — over the coming months. Only time will tell whether we will see concrete changes or just more posturing from politicians. Either way, the current landscape provides rich opportunities for cannabis companies to join the larger conversation and promote their brands. 


Cannabis Rescheduling Press Coverage

NisonCo specializes in media marketing and public relations, helping our clients disseminate their expertise. Over the days and weeks following the rescheduling announcement, we landed press coverage for several of our clients — and for ourselves — in these major publications:


We helped clients from law offices, cannabis cultivation operations, nonprofits, vape technology firms, cannabis seed banks, beverage companies and more to join this era-defining conversation on the future of cannabis in this country. 


Why You Must Prioritize PR in Election Years

PR is always a valuable tool for helping any company succeed, but it’s indispensable in times of industry change. The 2024 elections are likely to be especially impactful for the cannabis industry, so companies in this sector must plan to prioritize PR as election season draws closer and lawmakers begin to discuss potential changes. 


Navigate Changing Cannabis Laws, Regulations and Sentiments

As the cannabis industry changes — and, in the case of cannabis, as the public perception of the industry changes — your company will need to adapt. Cannabis media marketing firms like NisonCo can help you prepare for these changes, respond to them, and make the most of them.


Be Involved in Critical Cannabis Conversations

As the industry evolves, spectators will be looking to cannabis professionals for information and predictions. With the help of a cannabis PR agency, your company can be one of the leading voices in these critical conversations. NisonCo can help your brand grow alongside the industry in several ways: 


An Expressive Oil Painting Of An American Flag Cannabis Leaf

Are your savvy political commentaries reaching optimal audiences? Put our experienced cannabis PR firm to work this election cycle by clicking the above image to connect today.


A Cannabis PR Firm Can Help You Prepare for the 2024 Elections

If you want your company to benefit from the type of coverage we’ve landed our clients at the start of the rescheduling process, you need to work with a cannabis PR, SEO, and content creation firm.

NisonCo offers a wide range of services to meet the needs of every cannabusiness in the lead-up to the 2024 election. Small businesses and advocacy organizations can benefit from our a la carte services, like one-time media blasts to share exciting company news or respond to specific industry events. For continuous pitching, coverage, and support, we also offer longer-term PR engagements and full-service packages to prepare you for anything lawmakers throw at the industry. 


Work With NisonCo to Help Your Cannabusiness Succeed in 2024 

As a cannabis PR firm with roots in activism, NisonCo is deeply passionate about helping to shape the future of the cannabis industry into a sector that is truly equitable and accessible for all. 

For more information about how we can help your company participate in the evolving cannabis conversation or to schedule a free consultation, drop NisonCo a line today. We look forward to working with you during this historic election year.

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