You know what they say: new year, new social media and cannabis content marketing calendar. Now is the time to plan your cannabis company’s seasonal PR and marketing campaigns, and the year’s holidays can provide some great ideas. NisonCo has helped countless future-facing companies expand their reach over our 11-year history; here’s a non-exhaustive list of holidays we’ve successfully leveraged for our clients.
January: National CBD Month
Help your customers recover from holiday stress by celebrating all things CBD during January. Whether you create an educational campaign or promote your newest CBD product, our cannabis marketing experts can help you capitalize on the cannabinoid’s popularity.
Dry January
If your company offers cannabis products, Dry January is an excellent opportunity to promote your offerings. More and more adults are taking a break from alcohol to start their year off on the right foot, so by running campaigns and promotions, you can capture the “California sober” crowd.
January 27: National Seed Swap Day
Though it won’t be time to plant cannabis seeds outdoors until later in the spring, it’s never too early to share seeds from your favorite cultivars with fellow home growers. With the help of a cannabis marketing agency, cannabis seed companies can launch a campaign to boost sales before National Seed Swap Day at the end of January.
February 1: CBD Day
If you missed CBD month in January or just want to give this relaxing cannabinoid a little bit more attention, CBD Day at the beginning of February is a great time to launch a CBD-centric campaign.
February 4: National Hemp Day
Cannabis, CBD, and hemp companies alike can all celebrate National Hemp Day on February 4. This holiday is a fantastic opportunity to promote your non-psychoactive cannabis products or work with a cannabis content writing agency to publish a piece on the versatility of the plant we all know and love.
February 20: World Day of Social Justice
As a cannabis PR company with roots in activism, NisonCo is especially passionate about this holiday dedicated to social justice. To celebrate, your company can donate part of your proceeds to a deserving organization like The Last Prisoner Project or publish a press release detailing your work to support social equity in the cannabis industry all year round.
March: Gardening, Nature, and Ecology Books Month
There are countless great books about cannabis out there, and there’s no better time to celebrate them than during March as part of Gardening, Nature, and Ecology Books Month. Work with a cannabis content writer to compile a list of your employees’ favorite cannabis-related books, or if you’ve written a cannabis book yourself, March is a great time to drum up some publicity with the help of a cannabis PR firm.
March 17: St. Patrick’s Day
While it’s not technically a cannabis holiday, more people are incorporating cannabis into their St. Patty’s Day celebrations — the holiday’s signature color is green, after all. Capitalize on this trend by running a cannabis promotion or upping your public relations before St. Patrick’s Day.
March 28: Weed Appreciation Day
National Weed Appreciation Day celebrates less-recognized but still useful (and often beautiful) plants: weeds. However, there’s no reason your cannabis business can’t embrace some wordplay and celebrate weed with a well-timed press release or marketing campaign, too!
April 20: 4/20
If you’re a cannabis industry professional, we probably don’t need to explain that 4/20 is the most important cannabis holiday. Partner with a cannabis marketing firm to start your 4/20 campaign early and stand out on the biggest day for cannabis companies every year.

It’s never too early to begin planning your 2024 cannabis holiday content. Get started here.
April: Cannabis Awareness Month
April is a great time for cannabis companies to amp up their PR and marketing efforts since it’s cannabis awareness month. Just about any type of cannabis company promotion would fit right in this month.
May: Gifts from the Garden Month
For cannabis cultivation companies and cannabis brands focused on the earthy side of the industry, Gifts from the Garden Month in May is a great time to show appreciation for our favorite plant with a well-timed promotion.
May 19: Plant Something Day
Keep the celebration of homegrown cannabis going all Spring by observing Plant Something Day on May 19. This holiday is a great time for cannabis cultivation companies to promote their products with the help of a cannabis marketing agency.
May 24: Tommy Chong’s Birthday
Celebrating the birthdays of famous figures in the cannabis industry is another great way for cannabis brands to connect with the community and make some sales. Tommy Chong’s birthday at the end of May is a great time to promote nostalgic and lighthearted cannabis products.
June 18: Jack Herer’s Birthday
Legendary cannabis activist Jack Herer’s birthday is another excellent one to celebrate. Dispensaries and other plant-touching cannabis businesses who carry his eponymous cultivar are in luck: there’s no better time to promote it than on his birthday in June.
July 10: 710, or OIL Day
July 10 is fairly similar to 4/20: it’s a day specifically dedicated to celebrating dabs. Partner with a cannabis marketing firm to create a campaign that helps your cannabis company stand out 7/10.
July: National Hemp Month
Circle back around and celebrate hemp again all July during National Hemp Month.
September: National Honey Month
This holiday is also ripe for a little bit of wordplay. Your cannabis company can celebrate National Honey Month by promoting cannabis concentrates or dabbing tools. Work with a cannabis marketing agency to figure out how to make this holiday work for your business.
October 5: Commemoration for the Victims of Prohibition
Like the World Day of Social Justice in February, this day of commemoration is an excellent time to publicize your cannabis company’s efforts to help right the wrongs of the war on drugs. It’s essential to strike the right chord, though, and not be too self-promotional; an experienced cannabis public relations firm can help.
November 6: Legalization Day
One of the most exciting cannabis holidays is Legalization Day, celebrating the anniversary of when Colorado and Washington became the first states to legalize adult-use cannabis in 2012. Today, your company can celebrate by launching a campaign to acknowledge the history of the cannabis industry and celebrate how far we’ve come — and point out that now consumers can legally purchase your products.
November 1-7: National Medical Cannabis Week
If you run a medical or therapeutic cannabis company, National Medical Cannabis Week at the beginning of November is a great time to promote your products and services.
November 27: Green Wednesday
Green Wednesday, or the day before Thanksgiving, has become one of the biggest cannabis holidays. Dispensaries typically see their second-highest sales days of the year as customers stock up for Thanksgiving (or “Danksgiving”), but that doesn’t mean you can forget about marketing. Working with a cannabis marketing agency or PR firm can help you get more traffic on this cannabis holiday.
December 22: Brownie Mary’s Birthday
A year of cannabis celebrations wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the birthday of Mary Jane Rathbun, better known as “Brownie Mary,” and one of the key figures behind the legalization of medical cannabis in California. Cannabis edible companies can celebrate this important birthday by promoting their brownie edibles, advocacy-minded cannabis brands can publish pieces recognizing her hard work, and we can all get inspired by her spirit of civil disobedience.
Promote Your Cannabusiness All Year Long with the Help of a Cannabis Content Marketing Firm
Keeping track of all of the cannabis-related events and holidays throughout the year can be difficult. To make it easy, partner with a cannabis PR and cannabis marketing firm like NisonCo. Our team of cannabis PR, marketing, content creation, and cannabis SEO specialists will help you promote your company, capitalize on fun holidays, and grow your brand image all year long. Contact NisonCo today to learn more and get started early so you don’t miss a single holiday.