On the 2024 Ballot: A Guide to Cannabis and Psychedelic Voting Initiatives

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The text, 'On the 2024 Ballot: A Guide to Cannabis and Psychedelic Voting Initiatives' is on the left, an image of a suited hand dropping a ballot with a cannabis leaf into a ballot box is on the right.

Written by: Johanna Bloomquist

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Cannabis rescheduling has been a hot topic for several months, and it still has the potential to dramatically boost the sector. However, recent news revealed that the DEA will postpone the final decision until after voting is done in the 2024 elections

Several states have cannabis and psychedelic legislation on the ballot this November, so even though rescheduling is postponed, there are still exciting developments coming up in the cannabis industry that we need to prepare for. Are you ready to see if your 2024 predictions will pan out?

As a cannabis PR company with over a decade of experience in advocacy and politics, NisonCo knows our way around a ballot. Here is our guide to everything you need to know about cannabis and psychedelics on the ballot this election season. Keep reading for an overview of ballot measures, tips on how you can help pass comprehensive drug policy reform, and information on how to make your voice heard this election season. 


Cannabis Ballot Initiatives 2024

As of September 2024, six states have cannabis on the ballot this election season. Whether you’re an operator in these states or a voter passionate about cannabis reform, here are the measures you need to know about before you head to the polls this fall. 


Cannabis on the Ballot in Florida 2024

Florida’s adult-use cannabis campaign is one of the most widely publicized issues on this list. Though the state overwhelmingly voted in favor of medical cannabis in 2016, adult-use cannabis has become a contentious issue in the current political climate. 

  • — Proponents of Adult-Use Cannabis in Florida point to other states with regulated cannabis industries to demonstrate that legalizing adult-use cannabis will create jobs, bring in tax revenue, ensure safe access to cannabis products, and won’t raise youth consumption rates. 
  • — Opponents of Adult-Use Cannabis in Florida claim that it’s a radical policy and that public spaces will smell like cannabis. 


Cannabis on the Ballot in South Dakota 2024

2024 marks the third time cannabis is on the ballot in South Dakota after the measure failed to pass in 2020 and 2022.

  • — Proponents of Cannabis in South Dakota argue that since alcohol is legal in the state, there is no sensical reason for cannabis to remain illegal. 
  • — Opponents of Cannabis in South Dakota claim that legalizing cannabis will negatively affect children. 


Cannabis Unionization on the Ballot in Oregon 2024

Oregon is home to a well-established cannabis industry. On the ballot this year is a measure that would grant cannabis industry workers the right to unionize.

  • — Proponents of the Measure state that the ability to unionize would help cannabis industry workers protect themselves from unsafe and unfair working conditions.  


Cannabis on the Ballot in North Dakota 2024

North Dakota citizens have tried to legalize cannabis twice before, with both measures failing to pass. Cannabis is back on the ballot in North Dakota in 2024 as activists make another push for legalization. 

  • — Proponents of Cannabis in North Dakota point to the proven economic benefits of cannabis legalization to argue that this influx of capital will allow state lawmakers to focus their efforts on more pressing issues. 
  • — Opponents of Cannabis in North Dakota point out that cannabis has been on the ballot twice before, and both times, citizens voted against it. 


Medical Cannabis Could Make It on the Ballot in Nebraska 2024

Nebraska cannabis activists have pushed for cannabis reform in past elections as well. They are renewing their efforts in 2024. Proponents of medical cannabis access have collected and submitted the required signatures and await information about the measure’s inclusion on the 2024 ballot. 


Medical Cannabis Could Make It on the Ballot in Arkansas 2024

If Arkansas’ medical cannabis measure makes it onto the ballot this November, citizens could vote to expand the state’s medical cannabis framework. 


An expressive oil painting of a cannabis leaf in front of an American flag

Ready to make headlines by commenting on cannabis and psychedelic voting initiatives? Click the above image to connect with our impassioned team of cannabis publicists today.


2024 Psychedelic Ballot Initiatives 

Excitingly, psychedelic policy reform is also on the ballot in 2024. 


Psychedelics on the Ballot in Massachusetts 2024

Massachusetts has long been a cannabis-friendly state, with an established industry and countless events every year. This election season, the state might be expanding its support to encompass psychedelics. 

The psychedelic reform measure on the MA ballot would legalize psychedelic substances and create a regulatory body to oversee safe practices. 

  • — Proponents of Psychedelic Reform in Massachusetts claim that psychedelic substances provide a promising treatment option that patients deserve access to. 
  • — Opponents of Psychedelic Reform in Massachusetts argue that not enough is known about these substances yet and that this measure is too much too fast.


How to Get Involved in Drug Policy Reform This Election Cycle

You don’t have to be a lawmaker or industry professional to get involved with legislative reform in 2024; anyone can be an activist. Here are our top tips for getting involved and learning more about how you can help make a difference. 

  • — Research Drug Policy in Your State. To change things, you need to know where your state stands. Learn more about state-by-state cannabis policy and reform efforts from great organizations like NORML.
  • — Learn About the Political Process. The way that initiatives are signed into law varies in every state. Find out your state’s policies, so you know what to expect on election day. 
  • — Talk to People About Making Change. You don’t need to go canvassing to change people’s minds. Engage in respectful conversations with family and friends, and use what you’ve learned to inform others about their rights and the differences an individual can make. 


Media Marketing Services Will Help You Join the Cannabis Legalization Conversation

If you are a cannabis or psychedelic industry professional, it’s even more important to join in the conversation and make your voice heard. Are you ready to comment or shift your business plan if these measures pass in your state? Even if your state isn’t voting on cannabis this year, you can still chime in on the election

As we approach election season, it’s more important than ever for your business to invest in PR. As a cannabis PR company with a foundation in advocacy, NisonCo is uniquely suited to help you and your company prepare for the upcoming elections. 

Contact us today to learn more about our service offerings or formulate a plan to help you join the conversation.

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