Which AI Tools Are the Best for Cannabis Sales and Lead Generation?

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The text 'AI Tools for Cannabis Sales & Lead Generation' is to the right of a woman sitting at a laptop considering a cannabis leaf in a stylized digital AI field

Written by: Johanna Bloomquist

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Think about your least favorite part of your sales pipeline. Chances are, it’s something boring, repetitive, and, unfortunately, essential for lead generation. Wouldn’t it be great if you could simplify it?

With AI, there’s a good chance you can!

At NisonCo, we’ve been using AI tools to optimize our workflows so that we can spend less time on logistics and more time on strategic media marketing, our bread and butter. Read on as we share our favorite tools for different purposes and explain how you can get started using artificial intelligence to bring in more customers. 


Start Simple With AI Text Prompts and Cannabis Lead Generation Chats

Even if you’re a beginner in AI, you’ve probably heard about AI chatbots, also known as large language models (LLMs). Tools like these are the perfect starting spot for when you’re just beginning to figure out how to integrate AI into your cannabusiness’ workflow. 

Don’t get fooled into thinking LLMs are basic, though. With a little bit of practice, you can scale them up to more and more complex prompts to help streamline virtually any part of your business. 

LLMs are great for text-based tasks. We’ve used them successfully to draft simple sales emails and summarize or organize our notes. It should go without saying, however, that you should never use an AI to generate text that you’ll then use word-for-word in client-facing work. You always need to fact-check the output of any AI tool, and it’s vital to maintain the human touch, especially in sales.  

Regarding specific tools to use, ChatGPT and Claude are the industry standards right now. Each has different strengths and weaknesses, so we recommend playing with both tools to see which works best for your needs and personal preferences. 


Upload Documents for a Deeper Dive into Cannabis Sales Data

Many AI tools allow you to upload files, which can help you analyze or reorganize them in various ways. 

AI tools are excellent assistants for data analysis and organization. When going through lists of leads, we often upload them into AI tools to de-duplicate entries and break them down into more organized, manageable segments. Leaning on an AI tool for data analysis frees us up to do more outreach and less organization. 

Once you’ve reached out to the potential clients on your newly organized lists, you can also use AI to help you parse sales calls and interviews. By uploading the audio file or adding an AI notetaker to meetings — with client permission — you can generate transcripts, summaries, and notes on your sales interactions that you can use to close the deals. 

You can upload files to some LLMs, like ChatGPT and Claude, though you might need to subscribe to a paid plan depending on what you hope to do with the files. Otherwise, you can upload documents directly to many excellent AI notetakers, transcribers, and more. However, be aware that any time you upload a file to an AI tool, it’s at least partially out of your hands. Always read user agreements and never upload sensitive documents to any third-party tool. 


Create Custom Cannabis AI Bots from a Personal Database

As you begin to get comfortable using AI tools, you can consider making your own. It’s easier than you might think!

When you create custom AI bots, you provide documents that the bot will use as a knowledge base. The applications of a tool like this for sales and lead generation are practically limitless. 

We’ve successfully created AI bots that help draft baseline engagement documentation for us to work off of. To make a bot like this, you’ll need to upload case studies from your own work, service or product descriptions from your leads, and example reports to give the bot ample material to work with.


An expressive oil painting in neutral tones of a robot handling cannabis at a counter

Are you successfully putting bots and AI to work selling your cannabis business products and conducting lead generation? We can help. Click the image above to connect for AI consultation.


AI bots can also be beneficial when it comes to managing existing clients. You can upload information and documents from the client to create a bot that will seamlessly answer questions about that client, so you don’t have to search through every document to find an email address or answer a specific question about the brand’s language. Again, keep any sensitive information in mind when compiling resources.

Several sites allow you to create custom AI bots. If you are willing to pay for a subscription, you can use ChatGPT’s Custom GPTs or Claude’s Projects. For a free tool that is still in beta testing, you can experiment with Google’s NotebookLM


Integrate Everything With AI Agents for Your Cannabis Lead Gen

To automate repeating tasks or connect multiple AI tools, you can create custom AI agents. 

When you create an AI agent, you will connect an LLM, like Claude or ChatGPT, with another compatible app or platform, like Zapier or Make.com. These highly customized bots can help you simplify many tasks to keep your sales and lead generation processes running at peak performance.

For example, AI agents can: 

  • — Schedule meetings
  • — Record necessary information about those meetings
  • — Deliver a briefing to you ahead of time
  • — Automatically draft follow-up emails
  • — And more. 

Nearly any of your common workflows that keep your sales pipeline moving can be simplified with AI agents. 


NisonCo Can Help You Learn To Use AI and Simplify Your Sales Pipeline

AI tools are everywhere, and people are leaning on them more than ever to simplify their lives. From making searches easier to fine-tuning workflows, you can use AI to improve your cannabis sales and lead generation processes in countless ways. 

NisonCo has extensive experience helping cannabis companies create a lasting, successful industry presence. Contact us to set up a free discovery meeting.

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