2022 SEO for CBD Companies: 5 Keyword and Strategy Basics

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SEO for CBD Companies: 5 Keyword and Strategy Basics

Written by: Olivia Swann

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Have you been trying to increase traffic to your CBD company’s website or physical storefront but aren’t sure where to begin? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a vital part of any digital marketing strategy and can help you achieve these goals. NisonCo is an industry leader in SEO services for CBD and cannabis companies. If you need help putting effective SEO practices into play, contact us today and learn more about the services we offer

Due to the competitiveness of the CBD space and its relation to healthcare, it can take a bit more time and effort to gain Google’s confidence. To begin implementing CBD SEO strategies, consider the following five essential tips. 


1. Create an Individualistic CBD Brand Identity

There are a lot of CBD brands on the market. When creating a solid brand identity, it’s essential to distinguish yourself from the competition and emphasize what makes you different from all the other CBD companies.

This involves taking the time to research your audience, identifying who they are, their needs and wants, and building your brand with this information in mind. Be sure to have a clear mission statement that lets your audience know who you are, your company’s vision, and what you can do for them. Check out this blog on repeat visitors to dive in deeper on this point.


2. Relevant Links & Backlinks Improve UX, Increase Authority

Internal links are links that lead to other pages on your website. Developing an internal linking strategy can improve user experience by giving search crawlers more avenues to crawl your website. An example of how to use them would be to include an internal link to a blog on “CBD for anxiety” when writing a new CBD blog about the benefits of CBD oil, or the use of this link to take you to an article about SEO optimizing blog and web copy. Make sure the links are relevant to your topic.

Backlinks are when other high-ranking websites reference your website or blog by including a link that leads back to your website. Consistently produce quality content that distinguishes your brand or company as an expert in the CBD space. This will increase your chances of being referenced by other content creators, media, and industry professionals.


3. Keyword Research is Vital to Finding CBD Consumers

Researching your industry and competitors is a given, but be sure to dedicate time to keyword research. There are many resources to help you get started. Include keywords and phrases (you’ll find this list of CBD SEO keywords helpful) on your website or in your blog that have high search engine rankings, such as “CBD benefits.” 

Including long-tail keywords — longer and more specific keywords — is a good idea because there is less competition for these specialized keywords. An example of a long-tail keyword could be “Where can I buy CBD gummies locally?”


4. Google Wants to See your CBD Site Get Meta

A meta title is a title that appears in Google search results for any page or post. Meta titles entice users to click on your page and help search engines understand the contents of your page. When creating one for your CBD site, keep it short (~50-60 characters) and include your keywords preferably at the beginning of the title. 

Meta descriptions are the text under the meta title or website title in the search results. Although you also want to keep this section brief it can be about 80-160 characters. Include a keyword if you can, but don’t overdo it. Instead, write it like advertising copy, which functions to persuade the reader to click on your website.


5. Your CBD Social Engagement Boosts SEO, Too

Use your social media accounts to promote your business. Don’t overlook this crucial part of a cannabis digital marketing plan. Having an active social media presence to support your business is important and will help you achieve your goals of ranking higher on search engines. For health-related brands like CBD companies, being accessible to answer consumer questions is also vital to providing excellent customer service.

Through social media, you have a platform where you can build a reputation for being an expert in your specialty CBD field by providing quality content and educational resources. Social engagement can provide an opportunity for your business to grow its following and even generate backlinks.

If you want more information on SEO for CBD,
be sure to check out this guide on choosing the best keywords for your CBD brand.

NisonCo is a cannabis and CBD SEO agency with years of experience in specialized emerging industries and is happy to help your brand develop. Click here to contact NisonCo today to begin putting our expertise to work

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