NisonCo Knows Remote Work: Our 2021 Work from Home Summer Tips

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NisonCo Knows Remote Work: Our 2021 Work from Home Summer Tips

Written by: NisonCo Staff

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During the summer, sometimes the last place you want to be is behind a desk. However, working from home (WFH) doesn’t have to hinder your cool in the heat of summer. With the right planning and coordination, remote work can enhance the warmer months.


Through some tips and pointers, you can be on your way to a more manageable, productive and even refreshing season. Whether you work in a distributed remote team or as a solo freelancer, here are some tips for hustling through the summertime. Read on for the expert how-to-survive summer WFH input of our own fully remote cannabis SEO, PR and marketing firm team.


Work from Home Online and Under the Sun

Grab an extension cord and get under the sun! Several of our employees prefer an outdoor setup in the summer. One even moves their internet router to help the signal reach outside. You can also utilize an unlimited mobile data plan to create a hotspot your computer can work off of. 


Alternatively if working outside is neither an option nor a preference, make sure your workspace is comfortable temperature-wise. Consider investing in a fan or A/C unit for your home office if you don’t have central air, especially if your space tends to feel warmer.


Remote Work is Flexible — Make Money AND Get Tan!

In the summer, there are a few advantages to starting your shift early. You may want to work when it’s cooler, so you can enjoy the weather or rest indoors when it’s hotter. Working earlier can give you more sunshine time to do a seasonal activity like a sunset hike or swim. 


There are also lifestyle benefits to working early. RealSimple reports people who wake up at 7 a.m. or earlier tend to be more productive and overall fulfilled. They also tend to make more money! Even if you don’t start work earlier, those with daily rituals tend to feel more refreshed, centered, and focused throughout the day. A few of our employees practice yoga and stretch before the workday, or as a midday break.


If you’re a night owl or prefer to work later, summer nights can be just as illuminating as days. Daylight lingers later than in the winter over much of the United States, meaning there seem to be more hours in the day in which you can accomplish a work-play balance.


No matter what time you start working, it’s important to make time for yourself to enjoy the weather outside of work.


Work from Home? Work from Here, Work from There

Getting up from your desk is a key to staying productive no matter what time of year it is. Consider going for a walk. One NisonCo team member recommends going for a walk every two hours, even if it’s briefly around the block.


There are other ways to switch it up: take a coffee break, visit a friend, co-work at another location. Another one of our employees quite literally hits the road and works remotely from different locations across the country: WFH on wheels. Just make sure there’s a steady internet connection.


The Work from Home Workout

One of the top cannabis, psychedelic and cryptocurrency PR agencies in the nation also suggests taking breaks to move around. Your posture will thank you later, and movement may also improve your mood. Here are some suggestions.



Work in Sprints or Chunks 

You may find yourself dreading certain tasks, or just struggling to get through the day. Consider breaking up large tasks into smaller steps. That way, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment while you’re completing the smaller task, rather than just at the finish line when crossing it off your to-do list.


If you need some more structure, try out the Pomodoro technique. This method involves setting up multiple 25-minute timers and periodically increasing break times by 5 minutes, starting at 5 minutes. So at 3 p.m., you’d set a timer for 25 minutes and work on a task until 3:25, where you’d stop for 5 minutes. You’d then start again at 3:30, stopping at 3:55 for 10 minutes.


WFH is Built on Communication. Reach Out and Touch Base

Sometimes, working from home can feel isolating and lonely. It’s easy to forget you’re not alone. If you’re in an organization, reach out to colleagues on messenger and invite them for a video check-in or a digital water cooler conversation.


If you aren’t part of an organization, virtual coworking is still an option for friends and peers. There are several online communities dedicated to peer-to-peer remote work accountability, such as Focusmate and Clubhouse chat rooms. Freelance journalists can also benefit from groups with Slack channels, such as Digital Journalism Rocks and Study Hall. This can be an excellent networking opportunity to meet new people in your trade or industry. Plus, the people you meet may have remote tips and strategies of their own.


Looking for help from our experienced psychedelics, cannabis and crypto/blockchain PR, SEO and marketing team? Let us know if you need help researching trends and topics, crafting communications, or securing news spots by contacting NisonCo here.

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